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Ranking #251of all Java Edition servers.
#273ranked globally.
Status Online Checked 6 minutes ago.
Players 0 / 650
1.17.x  -  1.20.x
GhoCom supports every Minecraft version, starting at version 1.17.x, up to version 1.20.x.
GhoCom has been online 98.6% of the time during the past 14 days.
Votes 0
Rating No reviews received yet.
Country United States
Updated November 4, 2023
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Hey!,We're a BRAND NEW group of Bow PvPers who want to showcase our mode and that it can be the Star of the Show. All Game Maps are designed to look nice while also being functional for bow pvpers (WE DESIGN OUR ARENAS TO PREVENT CAMPING).
What We Got:
1) Duels/Training (ALL BOW)
- 3 Ranged Specialization Modes (Long Range, Mid Range, Short Range)
- 5 Total Ranked Modes (LR, MR, SR, etc.)
- 5 Challenge Modes (EndFighters, HaloKit, Terrae, etc.)
- 1 Classic Mode for the old heads :eye_roll:

2) 5v5 Minis (STILL ALL BOW)
Coordinate with your team (5 Class Types) to push back the enemy lines and destroy their Amethyst Crystal Generator in this 2-shot kill mode.

3) Frontiers ( in progress.)
Our community has members from all across the MC Archery communities, from Turf Wars to OITQ to DodgeBolt to 1.9 Tier Test to Hypixel Bow Guilds to Badlion Bow Duelers! We know Bow PvP can rise to the TOP and will work tirelessly to make it happen!

Join our Efforts on Discord!:

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Premium Server

Upaa Casino Logo
1 players
Java Edition
Version 1.20.x

What is the IP address of GhoCom?

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What gamemodes can be played on the GhoCom Minecraft server?

Explore a variety of game modes available on GhoCom, including Capture The Flag, KitPvP, Minigames and PvP.

Where can I vote for GhoCom?

Cast your vote for GhoCom on our dedicated voting page! Simply enter your username and submit your vote to show your support.
As a token of appreciation, you might receive in-game rewards on GhoCom upon voting.

What is the Discord server for GhoCom?

Join the GhoCom Minecraft server's Discord community by clicking on the invite link:
Upon joining the Discord server, be sure to read their community guidelines and rules.